Friday, November 18, 2016


Hello classmates, today I will try to talk about myths, I said I will try because this topic is not so nice for me, I have never believed on things associated with beliefs or legends.

Well one of the myth that I remember, is a myth about “ninfas”, I´m looking for it, but I don´t find the myth that tell me when I was a little, this was about a beautiful women that when the fishermen of the some island that I don´t remember what is, she danced and sang for them, and she bewitched them, when they listened the music, they lost the conscience and never more they returned to their houses. Really, I think it is the worst myth that I have ever told in my life, and surely the real or true myth about it, it is not like I tell you.

The other myth that I remember and regularly I listen is the myth about “la llorona” it is an popular myth of Chile, especially in the countryside, it is about a woman that walks for the street crying because your son is dead, the myth or some versions of this, side that she look for your baby, but she doesn’t find him.

Well I don´t like this myths, and I don´t believe in it, because I think, this myths or stories are very fantastic, but are the only myth that I remember in this moment. 


  1. Hello Javiera, I think that the myths probably don't real, but is very interesting learn about our culture, and the myths are part of this, and a lot of they are very fun!

  2. I really like "La llorona" myth. I have heard a version in which drivers tried to help her (because they saw her crying) but at the end she attacked them :o

  3. I have also heard the myth of "la llorona". I remember when I was a girl I was very scared when talking about it!
