Friday, December 16, 2016

My experience in this class

Hi classmates, hi for the last time: c

Today, I am going to write about my experience in this class, well this class was so different about the other English classes that I had to take in this university. This was different, because I feel that really I learned some things that I didn’t know, some rules or expressions with which I could to expand my vocabulary. I think this was a very good class.

Personally, to learn English has not been easy, I have always wanted to speak English so good, I think this is important for all us, and I would like to travel for around the world, and with this language is easier communicate with the other people. I think this course help me about my English level, and about the blog, I think is a good teaching method for practice this language. I really learned some things in this course, but I think that this is not enough, there are still many  difficult things for me, for example I can understand the most things that one person says in English, but when I want to say something, I don´t  find the correct words for this, for this reason, I think that I must improve my vocabulary, and to practice more, and I hope  to do it, I hope soon I can to speak English so good, I like English, and really I would like to do it.

So, I have admit, that this semester I don`t practice English so much, for different reasons, and specially in this last time, because the other subjects about my career have been very demanding, and I have not had time for this. A few weeks ago, I tried to practice with song lyrics, and with this I learned other words, but I know that this is not enough and I have to practice more if I want to speak English to perfection. 

Well I hope this class has been so good for you.

Goodbye,  see you soon. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Summer Holidays

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk about my next holidays this summer.

Well, to start I want to say that my holidays are very similar all years, because with my family all summers go at the same place, is a beach named “Consistorial” this is in the fifth region, near of “El Quisco”, in this place we can enjoy quietly, because is a private enclosure and never we had problems, as well as we are eleven or twelve persons in the house, and for this reason is even more fun.  I go at this place since I was a little, a baby I think, and I like so much, only sometimes we go the other place, one year we went at Pichilemu, other year we went at La Serena, but this happen only occasionally.


This year I think we will go at the same place; other possibility is “La Serena” again, because my mother found on internet, a place, a beach that she likes so much, this is “Isla Damas”, a beautiful place with transparent water. I don´t know this place and my mother neither, but she saw it and she say, that probably we will go there this summer. Really I don´t know where we will go, but when I go to any place with all my big family I always enjoy,  we go to know the other beaches near the place, we play different things, and more. I only hope this year my holidays last a long time. 

"Isla Damas"

Friday, November 18, 2016


Hello classmates, today I will try to talk about myths, I said I will try because this topic is not so nice for me, I have never believed on things associated with beliefs or legends.

Well one of the myth that I remember, is a myth about “ninfas”, I´m looking for it, but I don´t find the myth that tell me when I was a little, this was about a beautiful women that when the fishermen of the some island that I don´t remember what is, she danced and sang for them, and she bewitched them, when they listened the music, they lost the conscience and never more they returned to their houses. Really, I think it is the worst myth that I have ever told in my life, and surely the real or true myth about it, it is not like I tell you.

The other myth that I remember and regularly I listen is the myth about “la llorona” it is an popular myth of Chile, especially in the countryside, it is about a woman that walks for the street crying because your son is dead, the myth or some versions of this, side that she look for your baby, but she doesn’t find him.

Well I don´t like this myths, and I don´t believe in it, because I think, this myths or stories are very fantastic, but are the only myth that I remember in this moment. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Post graduate studios

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about post graduate studios what I will want take.
So when you are study at the university, you think in all things that you want to do, sometimes I think that I want to study all my life, to do all type of the post graduate about my profession, to do this in other countries, etc.  But this is not possible because the education in general in this country is very expensive. Probably we would not have the possibility of to study here if we would not have any scholarship, this is my case, and for this reason you have to study so much in the school and later in the university.

I don´t know what post graduate studios I want to do, because I recently I know some areas about my profession, but I would like take some post graduate studios about public politics or gender. I like so much this topics. I would like to travel to Brazil, because in this country mi profession is one of the best, the best studios of social work are of this country, and too I would like to travel to any country of North America, because technology is better than in Chile. But my possibilities in this moment or some more years are not so good. I hope to get any scholarship for it.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

My future job

Hello classmate, today, the teacher requested us to talk about my future job, and when we were   little, I think all us though that we wanted to be big, because then we could to do all that we would like, but we don´t know until now, that life of the adults is not easy, and worst of this is the job. Later I thought I would work in any clothing store, but what I wanted was put a coffee restaurant and cakes (still I want it), But when you start to study in the university, this change.

Today I don´t want to work, I think life of the job is boring, you have more responsibilities, and workday is extensive, I prefer to study for all my life, but I can´t, none of us can, because later coming the children, the house, the car and a lot of accounts for to pay.   But the good thing is I will be able to work in anything that I would want, according my career.  Really, I still not imagine what I would work, but whatever it is I will be fun, because I will be able to contribute in my society.  

Good I hope, when I have to work this happen in a long time more 

Friday, October 21, 2016


Hello classmates, today I am going to talk about TV series or soap opera with which I have obsessed.

Generally, I always that I like a TV series, a movie or a soap opera, I obsess with its, when I was a little, I cried with the finals of all TV series that I watched, and although I am not proud of this, all my life I have like junk TV.  Since some time one of the first TV series with which I obsessed, are the police series, I remember, one of this was Prison Brake, this was one of my favorites series, and then was series about crime, I watched series like Criminal minds, CSI, NCIS and other like this. My favorite TV series always have been about this same, crime, killing, police, suspense, mystery, etc.,( this sounds some strange, I am not a mad murderer woman) series about something for solve, for example Lost,  I think it  makes us believe we are doing. 

Actually, I am not obsess with any of this TV series, I see some things, but I am not really obsess, but I remember when my mother watched the Turkish soap opera I said “how you can see this trash?” and I never thought I would see, and now I am obsess with one of this, I am ashamed for this, but I can´t leave see, and when I can´t see it, I look for the episodes on internet.  

Friday, October 14, 2016

My Pets

Hi classmate, this week I am going to talk about pets, and I like so much the pets.Well, this activity is nice for me, because I like all type of animals, especially the big animals; I love whale, dolphin, lion, rhinoceros, etc. but my favorite animal is the elephant. Is so beautiful, I love your ears, trunk and legs, and I like it because represent good luck and a new begin for some cultures, But like I can´t care none of this in my house, I like pets too, since I was a little, I always I have had pets, I had a dog called “Pelusa” (this was my first pet), then I had two birds or “Catas”, I had too fishes, and now I have the other dog named “Alondra” and one hamster named “Gus” for Gustavo Cerati. 

Alondra, was a gift of my cousin eight years ago, it is black, with white spot, is very cute and loving, and apparently, now it hope your first baby. 

And Gus was a gift of this year, mi friends of the university Rocio and Karina arrived at class room with a hamster and they give me for my birthday, it is beautiful, and I love it since I saw, but it is grumpy, enraged and bite me all the time but I love it.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Surf in Pichilemu

Hi classmates, today I am going to talk about the best holidays I have ever had.
In general, all my holidays of every years have been fantastic, because I always go to beach with all my family, we are around 12 persons, and all years we go at the same place, a village named “Consistorial”, this place is near of “El Tabo”, in  Valparaiso, and is very fun and calming be there . But I remember one specific year, when after to go 10 days to “Consistorial”, one friend of my father, invited us to Pichilemu beach for to surf.

I had never surfed, then we lease surfboards and wetsuits and Jorge, the friends of my father with his family teach us. Surfing is difficult, waves would throw me, but I learned something, my father learned faster than me, but I learned this is important.  This was very fun, we had a great time and ate a lot, this are holidays I have ever had, and I hope return here someday and surf again. 

Friday, September 30, 2016


Well, in this opportunity I have to talk about one place that would like to know,  this first activity, is very difficult for me, because one of the things that I would like in a future is to travel for all the world, I like to know different places so much. But if I have to choose one of them, I will choose is Italia, but not all Italia, specifically Venecia city. This is one of my favorite places, since I was a little; I watch this place in the TV programs about places around the world. And simply is beautiful.

The reason because I would like to know this city is because as well as be a tourist attraction for all the beautiful monuments, the idea of to know the city abroad the a boat, is an idea not very usually, and in the night the view is even better.

The places more famous there, and I would like to know too, are The great canal of Venecia, The bridge of Rialto and Palace Ducal of Venecia.

Well this is my favorite place, meanwhile, I follow dreaming with this beautiful place 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I am sam official trailer

Hi friends, I hope you are well

Today I am going to talk about a movie that I like,
the same as the last activity this is not easy because I like so much many kind
of movies, one of the things that I love to do in my free time is watch movies,
eating chocolate.

One of the many such movies that I liked is “I am
Sam”. I saw this movie for first time (I don´t remember when exactly but,
around of seven or eight years ago) on television, in my cousin´s house. We
were zapping and this movie was starting and I love it.

This is a British movie of drama published in 2001 and
directed by Jessie Nelson; the main actors in this movie are Sean Penn, Dakota Fanning and Michelle Pfeiffer. This movie is a
story about a man with mental deficiency; during all story this man tries to
recover his daughter because the state does not consider him competent for the
care of his daughter. In this combat will be with him, a lawyer Rita Harrison.
This is a very sad story and
represents the reality of many people in different situations about their
children, is a really exiting story with many lessons of life and I like this
movie because show some appearances can to trick. This is really beautiful for
all viewers

Good I hope you can show this film
you will not regret. Here a little trailer so that you can motives.

See you soon  

Monday, June 27, 2016

My Favorite Band 

Hi again

Today I am going to talk about one of my favorite bands and songs. This activity is not easy, because I like very much all music in general, but specially rock music in all its forms, like Funk Rock, Pop Rock, alternative Rock, etc.
I don´t have one favorite specific band or  singer, I have lot, for example  bands like “Los Bunkers”, “Coldplay”, “Los Tres”, “Pearl Jam”, “Chancho en Piedra”, “Gustavo Cerati” “Red Hot” in many others. But if I had to choose one of this, I would keep with the band “Los Tres”. This is a Chilean band of alternative rock, formed in Concepcion since 90s. Music of this band incorporates different styles like Rockabilly, Jazz and Chilean Folklore.

The reason why I like this band, is because is one of the best Chilean bands of rock, I love all songs and specially because is one the favorite bands of my father and since I was little, we go together to their concerts.
My favorite song of this band is “La Torre de Babel” because is stick, and this song speak about a cigar, this is very original idea ¿ What song speak about this?.  In general all songs are originals and fantastic, I like all.

Good, I hope you like the video and band


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

About me 

Hello again, Today I am going to talk about me and my interests

Good, the things that I can say about me are not many, because in general I don´t do sports, I don´t have hobbies and there is nothing that I do excellent. But I tried to do some things that I really love, like swimming or learn to play the guitar.
I learned to swing when I was seven years old, my cousin was a very good swimmer and she took me with her for to practice, for this reason all my life I liked swimming  and although I can´t to practice more because I don´t have many time because of my studies, I always  attempt  do it.

Other things that I learned when I was a child, was learn to play the guitar, a friend of my father teach me when I was twelve years old, but again because of my studies I stop playing the guitar and I forget some chords and songs. It is one of the things that I would like to learn again. If I think in the things that would like to learn like this, there are three things that I would like to learn in this moment, the first is learn to play the bongo drum that my father give me for my birthday, the second is learn to speak Portuguese ahhh, but of course before of this I would like learn to speak perfectly English and finally I would like to learn self-defense. 

Good this is my history about me and my interests I hope you like it.

See you

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Today I am going to talk about Santiago city and I like more and dislike of this.
I have lived in Santiago all my life and I don´t know many places of Chile, but I know some beautiful places in de south of Chile and for this reason, I dislike Santiago in general, because is not a place with many green areas, because the air is very contaminated, but the main reason because I dislike Santiago is the means of transportation, I live in San Bernardo and for go to the university or another place in the center of Santiago I must travel two hours at least, this is that more hate of Santiago. One of the things that I would make for turn Santiago into a better place would be this, to change the means of transportation.

But even so, there are some things that I like in this city, for example the parks and history monuments that I recommend you go to visit. One of the most beautiful places that I like so much is “Cerro Santa Lucia”, because  is a place where you can look at the city from here, and the other place that I like so much is “museo de la memoria”, a place full of history. Too you can visit “cerro San Cristobal”, “parquet forestal” and the other beautiful places. I hope you like them.

See you.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Today I am to talk about of my career and the reason because I chose this.
When I finish my secondary education I had very clear that I wanted to study, but for some things of fate my plans changed and now, I think that this was the better, I chose study social work like one of the options that I had. But now I can say that I feel happy because is a beautiful career, is a career that it have many things that it can do for the society, in this we take care for all the problems of the people and our homework is to contribute in solutions for a better society.

A social worker is necessary professional in the world, because   we study for change some things of society, we are professionals worried for the people and we have special interesting in the injustices and inequalities in society, for this reason, the work of social worker in this society is very important, we are persons worried for well-being of people and we are qualified for do the change that all need.

For this reason the most important for social worker tools like conviction, perseverance, determination and we need believe in the change and above all love and respect this profession, what´s more is important consider the changes in the future like the persons and technology for work with this people for the change.
About the subject that I like this year, is Economy, because in the beginning I thought that this subject was very difficult to learn, but this is not real and I learn that is very important for understand the inequalities of this society. In general the Economy is a topic that all turn down but if all we would learn this discipline we would understand more about the order of the society.

Good I hope that this topic you liked and you love your career always, this the key to success

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Hello again, today I am going to talk about one of the most important topic for all students and persons in general in this country, this is a very relevant topic for society today.

The education in Chile is a controversial them since some time, I think that it is very important for all the people in this country, but many time we watch this is not of this form. In general the people think that students only want to demonstration and make damages, and the reason of this is because this happen, but it´s not that really the movement want to show. Is for this that many people is not interesting in this topic, in my opinion, this is really alarming.

The strikes and demonstrations in my opinion is a very good form for the organization of the movement. This is 
one of the ways for to protest and express the discomfort of the students, without exception is necessary to do
 much more. For to make real changes, first is necessary to know the information and the commitment with the
 action. Without a doubt the education have a long way to go, and you need to become take part of this struggle.

Friday, May 13, 2016

To swim
Hi classmate, today I talk about of my prefer hobby, in general I don´t have many things that I do in my free time, because I don´t have a lot free time, but I have one things that I like so much, this is to swim.
I had to learn to swim   when I was eight years, because my cousin in that moment was competitor of swimming. At the beginning I only to swam because I had to go with her, but after I felt that I could do it very well and I liked.  Since that moment I have practice always.
Although in general I don´t like do sports, to swim is different, because  I feel that it is the only sport in which I don´t think in nothings more that to swim, all the rest is not important, is a sport that keep me calm, unstressed and I can connect with my self.  
I advice you to swim because is one of the sport more beautiful of the life, and of course is very good for the mind and the body.

Cudding… see you 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hello again

Today I going to talk about my favorite technology device. In general in this society is difficult that one a person doesn´t  use a device technology  because this is one of the form for communicate us, who don’t have a cellphone today?

Well, although of this I don´t use many technology, but  I have a favorite device, this is the mp3 or mp4 how you decide called it, is an equipment that you can use for to keep information, pictures, etc.  but this is not exactly the reason because I have one this.

I have this equipment technology  since that I was very little, so so when I had 7 years old. The first of this was a present of my father, and now I have other like this, but more updated.  I used it all the time, in the mornings, in the way at the university, for the afternoon and for the night, for to sleep.  I like this equipment because I can listen to all the music that I like and this one of the form for do more funny my travel on bus, because this is enough long, very long. For all this reasons I can´t imagine my life without my mp3,  because  this would be like a life without music in the hand. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Hello boys and girls
Today I had do four activities of the plataforma.uchile in the unit 3, that will comment below
In the first activity I had to choose  a desk top computer and a computer desk  with a Budget of $800 and $200. In the electronics store I found a very good deal for you, an Apple computer for only $603 and a White floating desk for $134.
In the second activity I had to choose one alternative for each questions about the tool of the new century: internet and answer some questions for to know if I am an internet addict. in this quest I obtained between 31 and 40 points, for this rason I´m not internet addict because I have control over your usage.
In the activity 3 I had to fill in the gaps of a text about MP3 like a new tecnology, and in the activity 4, the most fun for me I had choose an article of the page and answer some questions. I chose an article about using veil in the women, this article is very interesting for me because one of the things in that my carrer is worried is about the society and culture in the persons.
Some words that this were difficult for me, were:
Subjugation: act of subdue or dominate, bringing under control a person
Imprisoned: a person deprived of liberty
Western: one a person from west
Cityzenchip: a  person who gozade rights and duties of a country, a person considered citizen

Banned: to prohibit

Friday, April 22, 2016

Hello everyone

This is one of the most important photographs of all that i have. This picture was taken for me and represent two important moments in my life, for one a part the most dificult moment, when my best friend tell me that, she would be mother, and for the other part one of the most important gifts in my life, here i am whith my goddaughter “Colomba Paz” who in this picture she was newborn.
Colomba has been transformed in one of the most important persons in all my life and is one of the greatest concerns nowadays.

Good i hope you like this picture, fondly

Colombita and me  

Friday, April 8, 2016

Hi. my name is Javiera Cubillos
I have nineteen years old, but in a short time I will have twenty years old. I am a second year student of social work in the university of Chile and here all named "cubito".
well, I don´t like to do sports, but I love to swim all the time and in my free time, I like watching movies .
I don´t have a good memory and I dream with know the world.